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An Award-winning makeup artist created the world’s first instant neck and face lift kit. It will make you look up to 10 years younger in just minutes. This is an affordable, simple way to instantly add brightness to your complexion and reduce wrinkles and sagging


Art Harding Instant Face and Neck Lift Kit is the perfect solution for even those of us that don't have the time or money to go under the knife.
 Imagine, someone offering you a technique that can help you give yourself an instant DIY facelift in just minutes. This is a revolutionary product from Art Harding that lets you do just that. 


Welcome to the world of instant lift … without surgery! Art Harding is an Emmy award-winning makeup artist and an innovator in the industry. As a result, he developed a revolutionary invention that will change the way people treat themselves - forever. Called Instant Facelift & Necklifts, his cutting edge product line offers complete skin care solutions for women and men. His instant face and necklift kit has won over 18 awards to date including "best new category" at the 2012 New York Beauty Show. The kit has taken off with an explosion of new sales and media coverage.



Sun exposure, gravity and genetics all play their role in the aging process. As our faces begin to mature one sees the lines around the mouth begin to drape and shadowed creases highlight the droop. The nasolabial folds (affectionately called smile lines) grow prominent. The jaw line loses elasticity and jowls appear. And unlike other body parts we may wish to conceal, the face can't be so easily hidden. With the INSTANT FACE LIFT, a youthful appearance doesn't require invasive procedures and expensive potions; the changes are subtle but powerful, sculpting but never startling. The lines are smoothed but not frozen. It's you, only better.


This kit comprises 1 pair of facelift bands, 1 necklift band and 22 pairs of tapes

Art Harding Instant Face Lift

SKU: 364215376135191
Hair Color
  • If you are not completely satisfied, please return the product for a full refund, within 28 days, remembering to add your name and address.

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